Every year the elusive Sasquatch visits our happy campers at ICC. He loves to camp out on the trails and surprise you when you hike by. Get your Big Foot Field Guide at check in so you can be prepared. Will you capture Big Foot on camera?
Paddleboat and Kayak Rentals available daily 9am-7pm in the campstore (lifevest & adult supervision required).
Sports & Game Equipment, Nature Hunts & Coloring Pages available in the campstore.
Friday, May 31:
11am-5pm Water Wars! Open (purchase water balloons in camp store)
7:30pm Family Movie Night with fresh popcorn ($1)
Saturday, June 1:
10am Nature Craft in the Rec Hall
11am Zip & Climb Adventures Open (sign up by Friday)
11am-5pm Water Wars! Open (purchase water balloons in camp store)
1pm Big Foot Hunting License Obstacle Course – earn your hunting license by completing the course. Gotta be sure you are prepared for the hike!
3pm Sasquatch Search – hike the trails to catch a glimpse of elusive creature. Don’t forget your binoculars and cameras! Hint: Big Foot likes to hang out along the creek…follow that trail.
5pm Terrainables Trail Ride
7:30pm Dance Karaoke!